Other Publications (Northern Ireland Environment Agency)

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 230
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-06Polution Prevention Guidance : Standing Advice for Planning Officers and Applicants seeking Planning Permission for Developments Which May Impact Upon the Water Environment
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2015-04Scheduled Monuments Consents : Advice for Planning Officers and Appllicants Seeking Planning Permission Within the Scheduled Area of a Monument
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-04Single Dwellings : Advice for Planning Officers and Applicants Seeking Planning Permission for Single Dwelllings
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-02Regulatory Position Statement : Production of Asphalt Road Plannings
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-02Regulatory Position Statement - Reuse of MaterialNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-10Guidance on the Regulation of Greenfield Excavated Materials in Construction and DevelopmentNorthern Ireland Environment Agency; Construction Employers Federation
2016Regulatory Position Statement - Duty of Care : Construction/Demolition Waste and Recycled Aggregate
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016Is your private water supply safe? A guide for owners and usersNorthern Ireland Environment Agency. Drinking Water Inspectorate for Northern Ireland
2016-11Private Water Supplies Sampling Manual : A Field Guide
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-10NIEA Regulatory Charging Policy 2016-21Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016Water Resource Assessment Flow Data RequirementsNorthern Ireland Environment Agency. Hydrology Team
2016The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 : Authorisation No. NIEA/1
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-10European and National Drinking Water Quality StandardsNorthern Ireland Environment Agency. Drinking Water Inspectorate for Northern Ireland
2016-09Vehicle Washing : Advice for Planning Officers and Applicants Seeking Planning Permission for Vehicle Washing
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-07Culverting : Advice for Planning Officers and Applicants Seeking Planning Permission for Developments Which Include the Culverting of a Waterway
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-06Sustainable Drainage Systems : Advice for Planning Applicants Seeking Planning Permission on the Use of Sustainable Drainage Systems in New Developments
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-07Pollution Prevention Guidance : Standing Advice for Planning Officers and Applicants Seeking Planning Permission for Developments Which May Impact Upon the Water Environment
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-07Multiple Dwellings : Advice for Planning Officers and Applicants Seeking Planning Permission for Multiple Dwellings
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016Short Guidance : Paragraph 12: Treatment and Storage of Waste - with a view to recovery or reuse, according to specified conditions.
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-06Regulatory Position Statement on the use of Gypsum and Plasterboard in Animal BeddingNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 230