Other Publications (Department for the Economy)

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 581
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-07Draft Circular Economy Strategy for Northern Ireland : Public Consultation Response Report
Department for the Economy
2023-01-20Considering Responsible Critical Minerals : (re)sourcing in Northern Ireland Terms of Reference
Department for the Economy; Queen's University Belfast
2023-10The impact of parental leave policies on Labour market outcomes : Summary
Queen's University Belfast; Dickey, Heather; Miller, Corina
2023-01-23Northern Ireland Smart Meters - Cost Benefit Analysis ReportKPMG
2023-05-19Research on the Future of Tourism in Northern Ireland : Final report
Department for the Economy
2023-02Purchases by Businesses in Northern IrelandDepartment for the Economy; Duffy, Michelle
2023-06Project Gigabit NI : Public Review Request for Information (RFI)
Department for the Economy
2023-05Place 10X : A Sub-Regional Economic Approach
Department for the Economy
2023-06Parental Leave Policies : Econometric Analysis Report
Queen's University Belfast; Dickey, Heather; Miller, Corina
2023-05Investigating the skills required for a transition to an advanced zero emission, indigenous diverse energy secure and circular economy in Northern Ireland : Summary report
Energy & Utility Skills
2023-06Northern Ireland labour market summaryEnergy & Utility Skills
2023-06Investigating the skills required for a transition to an advanced zero emission, indigenous diverse energy secure and circular economy in Northern IrelandEnergy & Utility Skills
2023-03The impact of parental leave policies on Labour market outcomes : Literature Review
Queen's University Belfast; Dickey, Heather; Miller, Corina
2023-04Parental Leave Policies : Descriptive Statistics Report
Queen's University Belfast; Dickey, Heather; Miller, Corina
2023-05Closing the Skills Gap : Breaking Barriers between Career Explorers and Employers to Support 10X Economic Growth in Key Clusters (FinTech and Life & Health Sciences)
2022-12Invest NI performance review : Final report
Department for the Economy; Technopolis Group
2022-08Review of Invest NI: Successful local economic development ecosystems : Supplementary report
Department for the Economy; Technopolis Group
2022-12Invest NI benchmarking and best practice review : Final report
Department for the Economy; Technopolis Group
2023-01-11Independent Review of Invest Northern IrelandDepartment for the Economy
2023-09Higher Education Support Funds 2023/2024 : Conditions of funding for Higher Education Institutions in Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 581